Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Reflection 2: Are droids taking our jobs?

Reflections of the TED-talk  -  Andrew McAfee: Are droids taking our jobs?

"So, in short, yeah, the droids are coming for our jobs. In the short term, we can stimulate job growth by encouraging entrepreneurship and by investing in infrastructure, because the robots today still aren't very good at fixing bridges. But in the not-too-long-term, I think within the lifetimes of most of the people in this room, we're going to transition into an economy that is very productive but that just doesn't need a lot of human workers, and managing that transition is going to be the greatest challenge that our society faces. " - Andrew McAfee

I believe that robots will help us to be more productive in the future and it will provide companies a good economy as Andrew McAfee says. But I believe, or hope, that we humans will be needed anyway... The technology should be a benefit to us, not a threat to our own jobs.

Otherwise we can reduce our job days. For example in Norway they count their lunch time to their work hours.
Or why not do it like in the old days? One at home taking care of the household and one is working to get money. We must take advantages of developments.

Our children is the future and it speaks a lot of whats best for them. Give them the best opportunities in life. All parents are trying to get as much time as possible to them but the community is  structured on that both should work. The puzzle doesn't fit! If the droids were coming and took a little more responsibility, perhaps we could slow down a bit. Give the children what they want most of all from us - our time.

I would gladly work with R2-D2!