Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Lost symbol

I read “The Lost symbol” written by Dan Brown. Dan Brown is a very good writer and has also published the famous book (and movie) “The Da Vinci Code”. The book is written in an excellent way and has many interesting details. I have occasionally been using the dictionary and have learned a lot of new words.

I am a masterpiece.
His massive body was shaved and smooth. He lowered his gaze first to his feet, which were tattooed with the scales and talons of a hawk… his powerful chest was emblazoned with the double-headed phoenix… “
Dan Brown, The Lost symbol, page 31

This text is in a chapter where Dan Brown exclusively describe and reflects about “the person who called himself Mal‘akh”.  Who is that man? Dan makes us understand how the person looks on the outside and inside but still it generates more questions than answers. Mal’akh is preparing himself for something. It looks like something huge will take place tonight. Is he a good or a bad guy?
The person seems to be very awed about his body and have self-confidence. He thinks about himself as a “masterpiece”.  Nothing can stop him.
Mal’akh looks like a very important person to the book. The tattoos is described in details and when you read about them you want to know if they will become important in the continuation or if they just tells you about his personality.  The curiosity make you want to read more about him. Who is this guy? What is he going to do?
The tattoos are described like shapes of scales, talons of a hawk, a double-headed phoenix etc. What does they mean? Are the scales describing something he want to remember and will have use of later? Are the talons and the phoenix symbols?
If you read the book you will get answers.